New Year Blogolution

This post at The Daily Post got me thinking. There always has been this voice in my head that says write a blog post every day. I’ve been ignoring it all this time, but this post pushed me. It made me realise that it’s okay even if I fail. But I mustn’t not try it just because I’m afraid I’ll fail. I should just make up my mind to do so, and see what happens.

I think that this will keep me active and not bored. Of course, I might run out of stuff to write some times, so forgive me when I post silly stuff. I feel that blogging regularly will do something good for me. As of now, I can’t find any harmful things that might happen because of my new resolution, so long as I learn to blog in an organised way. I should learn to utilise time properly. I should leave ample time for other things – especially since I have my annual exams in one month. We have to study two texts for Physics and Chemistry each. The other subjects too provide more than enough material to study.

So as I said, I need to leave enough time for studies. Another thing is that next year I’ll be (hopefully) in 12th, which will be at least 5 times more tedious than this year. So one again, I need to make use of time properly.

I also need to store away some time for other activities like cycling and taking care of the puppies (I haven’t posted about it yet. Maybe that will be my post for tomorrow. Stay tuned – it’s very interesting!). I will also require a lot of time for reading and the occasional TV-show-watching. In addition to all this, we’ll be shifting to our new house hopefully in April, so that will be a real hectic time.

Well, these are the things that kept me from taking on this project all this time. However, now I feel that I should challenge myself. Test my limits. After all, failing to do this won’t do any harm. Whereas, succeeding will be a boost in my confidence and it will be a whole new experience.

So what I have to say is, I hope to post every day the next year. I might have to resort to scheduling some posts, though. Maybe sometimes when I’m out of station. Or maybe during exams. Anyway, as I said, I’ll try to complete this project. I’ll really appreciate any comment – whether they’re about my blog or my post, or anything really – and I hope you all enjoy!

NOTE: This project is only for the blog My World. It doesn’t apply to my photo blog – C9 Photography.

Oh, and a big thank you to Cheri Lucas Rowlands, who wrote the inspiring post, and of course, the WordPress team. I do have a suggestion, though, which I hope you take to heart with a good attitude. Please provide some interesting and fun Daily Prompts, unlike the recent ones. I have to say, the past 20 or so Prompts have been atrocious. I really disliked them. I hope you provide some good sparks for us so that we can get writing.